Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) is a non-invasive method to excite neurons in the brain: weak electric currents are induced in the tissue by rapidly changing magnetic fields (electromagnetic induction).
TMS can be used to complement other neuroscience methods and provides an unique methodology for determining the true functional significance of the results of neuroimaging studies and the casual relationship between focal brain activity and behaviour.
- TMS Magstim Super Rapid²
- TMS Magstim BiStim²
- Two Double 70mm Alpha Coil
- Single 90mm Remote Control Coil
- D360 8-Channel Patient Amplifier (Electroencephalography, Electromyography or Evoked Potential recording)
- CED Power 1401 (high performance data acquisition and analysis interface)
- Polhemus Fastrack Neuronavigation System (Four Short Ranger TX1 + 8" Stylus)
- SofTAX Software for the neuronavigation (this allow to neuronavigate on subject’s brain also with no MPRAGE).
- Mechanical arm (to maintain the handle of the coil angled in the right position)
- Desktop computer for visual stimuli presentation